Trial Design and Integrative Informatics (TDII)
This Core, led by Jonathan Gelfond, MD, PhD and co-leader Meredith Zozus, PhD will provide expertise in study design and development of database applications. Services include comprehensive biostatistical support, data quality control, and data security. This Core also provides assistance related to grant proposals (e.g. study design, statistical methods, power and sample size calculations) and manuscript preparation, and will play an active role in the RL5 program, tailored to the focus of the San Antonio OAIC. BDMC provides biostatistical and data management support to all San Antonio OAIC Developmental Projects, Pilot Studies, and research projects from RL5 Scholars, and will support the other center cores in reporting and regulatory functions through the IDEAS data management system used for quality improvement processes across the San Antonio OAIC. Services are also available to external projects.
Core Leaders
Core Leader: Jonathan Gelfond, MD, PhD
Core Co-Leader: Meredith Zozus, PhD